Medical Specialty:
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery

Sample Name: Blepharoplasty - Quad

Description: Quad blepharoplasty for blepharochalasia and lower lid large primary and secondary bagging.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

1. Blepharochalasia.
2. Lower lid large primary and secondary bagging.

1. Blepharochalasia.
2. Lower lid large primary and secondary bagging.

PROCEDURE: Quad blepharoplasty.



CONDITION: The patient did well.

PROCEDURE: The patient had marks and measurements prior to surgery. Additional marks and measurements were made at the time of surgery; these were again checked. At this point, the area was injected with 0.5% lidocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Appropriate time waited for the anesthetic and epinephrine effect.

Beginning on the left upper lid, the skin excision was completed. The muscle was opened, herniated, adipose tissue pad in the middle and medial aspect was brought forward, cross-clamped, excised, cauterized, and allowed to retract. The eyes were kept irrigated and protected throughout the procedure. Attention was turned to the opposite side. Procedure was carried out in the similar manner.

At the completion, the wounds were then closed with a running 6-0 Prolene, skin adhesives, and Steri-Strips. Attention was turned to the right lower lid. A lash line incision was made. A skin flap was elevated and the muscle was opened. Large herniated adipose tissue pads were present in each of the three compartments. They were individually elevated, cross-clamped, excised, cauterized, and allowed to retract.

At the completion, a gentle tension was placed on the facial skin and several millimeters of the skin excised. Attention was turned to he opposite side. The procedure was carried out as just described. The contralateral side was reexamined and irrigated. Hemostasis was good and it was closed with a running 6-0 Prolene. The opposite side was closed in a similar manner.

Skin adhesives and Steri-Strips were applied. The eyes were again irrigated and cool Swiss Eye compresses applied. At the completion of the case, the patient was extubated in the operating room, breathing on her own, doing well, and transferred in good condition from operating room to recovering room.

Keywords: cosmetic / plastic surgery, blepharochalasia, lower lid, swiss eye compresses, adipose tissue pad, bagging, blepharoplasty, lash line incision, quad blepharoplasty,